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Writer's pictureDavid Salariya

What's new? What Are the Trends in Children's Book Publishing in 2024 - 2025?

Updated: 5 days ago

As the founder and creative 'Jack of all...' at the The Salariya Book Company, which included the imprints Book House, Scribblers, and Scribo, I have over 45 years of experience in the publishing business. My career has been committed to researching, planning, and creating engaging non-fiction, fiction, and picture books for children. I aimed to develop a commercially successful publishing list, ensuring that our books captivated and educated young what do I think the trends are in 2024 -2025?

#everybookmatters Every Book Matters Credit for David Salariya 'Created and Designed by David Salariya'.
Created & Designed By David Salariya

2023 was Marked by a Record Level of Book Bans in the US and Concerns over the Number of Children Reading for Fun

2023 was marked by a record level of book bans in the US and concerns over the number of children reading for fun, which was at an all-time low according to surveys by the National Assessment of Educational Progress in the U.S. and National Literacy Trust in the U.K. 

So with book bans and falling readings levels - what can publishers do to entice young readers? During and long before the Covid crisis, there was a notable rise in children's books centered on self-care, resilience, compassion and mindfulness. These themes have since become staples in many backlists. Looking back at 2024 and forward to 2025 what new ideas are taking the spotlight in the front list?

It's time to explore the wider bookshelves of children's book publishing in 2024...and 2025...

...And remember...

every time we assume a category has become stagnant and exhausted, something new will emerge to revitalise it.

Exposing Children to a Wide Variety of Books

We all understand the importance of exposing children to a wide variety of books from different points of view. Reading diverse literature not only enriches a child's understanding but also plays a crucial role in their cognitive and emotional development. Let's look deeper into why this diversity in children's literature is essential and how it benefits them and society as a whole.

Cognitive and Critical Thinking Skills

Children learn to think critically when they read books which present different perspectives. Instead of accepting a single narrative, they learn to analyse and question what they read. This ability to think critically is a fundamental skill that will serve them throughout their lives. It helps them discern information, recognise biases, and develop a more nuanced understanding of the world.

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Reading stories about characters from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences fosters empathy. I can understand a child looking for their own experience and reflection in books and this needs to be an authentic reflection. Children's books reflecting real lived experiences can be difficult to find. Children begin to understand and appreciate the feelings and challenges of others, which can significantly enhance their emotional intelligence. This emotional growth is essential for forming healthy relationships and becoming compassionate individuals.

Cultural Awareness and Inclusivity

Exposure to diverse books helps children appreciate the richness of different cultures and traditions. It promotes inclusivity and helps combat stereotypes and prejudices. When children see characters who look different, speak different languages, or have different abilities, they learn to value diversity as a strength rather than a division.

Preparing for a Globalised World

In our increasingly globalised society, it's vital for children to understand and navigate different cultural contexts. Reading about various viewpoints prepares them for interactions in a multicultural world. It equips them with the skills needed to communicate effectively and respectfully with people from diverse backgrounds.

Supporting Democracy

A healthy democracy relies on informed citizens who can engage in thoughtful discourse. By reading a range of perspectives, children learn to appreciate democratic values such as freedom of speech, the right to dissent, and the importance of debate. They understand that multiple viewpoints can coexist and that dialogue is key to resolving differences.

Addressing challenging topics

Books can be a gentle and effective way to introduce children to complex and sometimes uncomfortable subjects. Whether it's discussing racism, gender identity, or environmental issues, books provide a safe space for children to explore these topics and ask questions. This early exposure helps them become more open-minded and resilient individuals. I tried to foster this kind of understanding in my history series 'You Wouldn't want to be...where the reader would be finding out about bad situations and probably worse places from the comfort of reading about all the grief misery and despair in a book.

Encourage Lifelong Learning.

Exposing children to a variety of viewpoints fosters a love for learning. They become curious about the world and eager to explore new ideas. This curiosity drives lifelong learning, which is essential in a rapidly changing world.

Practical ways to Implement Diverse Reading

  1. Libraries and Schools: Ensure that library and school curricula include a wide range of books from various cultures, genres, and perspectives.

  2. Parents and Guardians: Encourage the reading of diverse books with their children and discuss the themes and lessons learned.

  3. Support authors and publishers who produce diverse and inclusive literature.

  4. Create book clubs Create book clubs and reading programs which focus on a wide range of books and encourage discussion among children.

Not just about supporting literacy

Reading books with diverse subject matter is not just about supporting literacy; it's about nurturing well-rounded, empathetic, and critically thinking individuals. Exposure to different points of view is invaluable. It shapes children into informed citizens who can contribute positively to democracy and society. By fostering a love for diverse literature, we are investing in a future where understanding, empathy, and critical thinking are the norms.

Diverse narratives and eco-awareness to interactive tech

From diverse narratives and eco-awareness to interactive tech and mental health themes, how the latest trends in children's publishing shaping young readers' experiences.

By the time 'trends' are spotted - they are probably over or fading - so lets take a look at what is happening in children's book publishing for 2024 and into 2025 which includes: diverse narratives, eco-awareness, interactive and augmented reality books, mental health themes, nostalgic retellings, DIY creativity, engaging multi volume series, and a strong focus on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) subjects, reflecting the evolving interests and values of young readers.

Children's Books in 2024 -2025

The Rise of Diverse Narratives

Diversity isn't just a buzzword from the past seven years; it's becoming the heart and soul of children's publishing. In 2024, publishers are doubling down on stories that reflect the different peoples of our world.

We're seeing an influx of books that highlight different cultures, races, religions, and family structures. And it’s not just about adding a token character here and there. These stories are deeply woven with authentic voices and perspectives.

Books featuring neurodiverse characters. These stories are moving beyond just portraying differences to celebrating them. Authors like Elle McNicoll are leading the charge, crafting tales that resonate with young readers who see a bit of themselves in these characters. It’s a beautiful way to foster empathy and understanding from a young age

Eco-Awareness: Green is the New Black

If there's one thing the younger generation is known for, it’s their passion for the planet. Kids today are growing up in a world that’s acutely aware of environmental issues, and their books continue to reflect that. Eco-awareness is a massive trend in children's book publishing for 2024.

Books about climate change, conservation, and the wonders of the natural world aren’t just educational reads; they’re engaging, adventurous, and often can be quite whimsical.

These books not only entertain but also instill important environmental values, making them excellent choices for young readers.

Imagine a stories about a groups of children who team up with forest creatures to save their home from pollution, or a magical underwater adventure that teaches the importance of protecting our oceans...choose from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forestby Lynne Cherry, The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle: A Story About Recycling by Alison Inches, Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau by Jennifer Berne, The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister, Flotsam by David Wiesner, Ocean Meets Sky by The Fan Brothers

Publishers try to continue to step up their game by making their books more eco-friendly. Sustainable printing practices, recycled paper, and plant-based inks are becoming more accepted as well as printing nearer to home. It’s a full-circle approach to ensure that the message of these books isn’t lost in their production. The thin plastic coating on books is a problem though, because this plastic never seems to rot.

The World Counts

"From 2010 to 2060, the global consumption of pulp and paper is expected to double. The same will the amount of paper waste. An increased paper production will also add further to the pressure on the world’s forests that are already in a critical state - and constantly getting worse.

From 2001 to 2019, a total of 386 million hectares of forest were lost globally (in all forest types combined). This loss represents an almost 10 % decrease in tree cover since 2000".

Interactive and Augmented Reality Books

Remember those pop-up books that used to fascinate us ? Well, imagine if those books could come to life in your audiences hands. Welcome to the future of children’s books or as I thought fourteen years ago, interactive and augmented reality (AR) experiences. I tried Augmented Reality back in 2010 and it was a disaster in the UK and the USA, rights were sold in perhaps six or seven European languages. iPhones and iPads hadn't been invented back then - so it is easier now to make this work well in books.

2024 is seeing more books at least at book fairs which integrate AR technology. All you need is a smartphone or tablet, and suddenly, the characters and information will leap off the pages, and scenes transform into 3D worlds right before your eyes. This tech-savvy trend isn’t just a gimmick! It’s a revolutionary way to make reading even more immersive and engaging for young readers - certainly for information books where

a dinosaur T-Rex roars and stomps around the room, or a space adventure where children can explore the galaxy from their sofa.

It’s a fantastic way to blend traditional information with modern technology, keeping kids hooked and making learning loads of fun.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

In an increasingly complex world, children's books are becoming a crucial tool for addressing mental health and wellbeing. 2024 is bringing again a wave of books that tackle topics like anxiety, resilience, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence.

These books are gentle guides for kids to understand and articulate their feelings. Stories about characters dealing with worries, learning to calm their minds, or navigating tricky social situations are becoming staples on bookshelves. They’re crafted with care to ensure they’re accessible and reassuring, providing comfort and understanding for young readers.

Authors and illustrators are working closely with child psychologists to ensure these books are both helpful and accurate. It's a wonderful way to use the power of storytelling to build emotional resilience from a young age.

Nostalgia with a Twist

Everything old is new again, and children's books are no exception. 2024 is continuing to see a resurgence of classics, but with fresh twists and turns to make them relevant for today's younger readers. Re-written and expunged of everything that may be deemed unsuitable - or offensive, major publishers continue the 'sensitivity readings' so stories bursting with gluttony and flatulence are a no - no.

Everything with a 'Twist' or a 'Celebrity Author'

Think retellings of fairy tales or myths with modern sensibilities, diverse characters or reimaginings of classic adventures with a contemporary spin, usually but not always written by a celebrity. Non-celebrity authors can be insensed by the poorish quality of celebrity authors books for children - but that is a generalisation - who can blame a publisher for working with a celebrity when they have instant access to a morning TV show to promote the book.

The 'classic' stories revamp taps into the nostalgic joy parents feel when they share the stories they loved with their children, but with updates that reflect today’s values and sensibilities - which means the parents are engaged or enraged with the changes made or just relieved the stories are shorter - where are the twisted tales with grisly punchlines they wonder?


A new version of 'Little Red Riding Hood' might feature 'Red' as a brave young girl using her wits to outsmart the wolf, promoting empowerment and ingenuity or just being eaten by the a lesson to not go wandering into the woods on your own.

Publishers are also releasing editions of very old books, making them look 'refreshed' which means changing the fonts but not updating the content - in the case of non-fiction.

Detective Stories

Detective stories have always been popular with children, Enid Blyton's Famous Five and Secret Seven along with the Nancy Drew Mysteries were always tracking down rotters and stinkers, although the modern 21st century detectives are now dealing with murders which are probably the children's equivalent of the 'cosy murder' genre or sometimes named 'cozies'.The detective at the heart of the 'cosy murders' story is typically an amateur sleuth, rather than a professional investigator. The setting is usually a small, close-knit community, a boarding school, theatre or a ship where both the crime and its resolution unfolds within a socially intimate environment. It's easier to set this kind of book in the last century - before mobile phones and social media - spoils or complicates a murder plot.

DIY and Creative Expression

Children are naturally creative, and children’s books nurture creativity which encourage young readers to draw, write, and create and illustrate their own stories.

These books might provide prompts, story starters, or even blank pages for children to fill in with their imaginative drawings . They’re great tools for developing writing and artistic skills. Some even come with craft activities or experiments, turning reading time into a hands-on adventure.

Trees thiding dragons
Trees become dragons, prompts are useful for creating ideas in words and pictures

Prompts to inspire Writing or Drawings

Clouds form floating castles in the sky.

Pebbles transform into hidden treasure boxes.

Raindrops turn into tiny, dazzling gems.

Butterflies transform into vivid, live stained glass.

Friendly giants' arms are formed from tree branches.

Shadows on the wall transform into fun puppets.

Pinecones become old, mystical artefacts.

Waves in the water transform into elegant sea dragons.

Autumn leaves turn into colourful flying carpets.

The stars in the night sky sparkle like fairy lanterns.

Trees hatch dragons

Snowflakes transform into crystal fairies.

Footprints on the sand form the paths of strange explorers.

Mosses on rocks transform into soft, velvety coverings for wild critters.

Winter warriors use icicles as dazzling weapons.

Fireflies turn into tiny, luminous wizards that cast spells.

A Creative Workshop

Think of this format as a mash-up of a book and a creative workshop. It’s all about empowering youngsters to take charge of their storytelling and express themselves in unique and personal ways.

The Power of a Series

Stand-alone books are great, but there’s something incredibly satisfying about starting to read a series for children - that is why Enid Blyton was so successful, children enjoy the comfort of being read or reading the same story over and over again. Redwall is a great series of children's animal fantasy novels by the writer Brian Jacques, published from 1986 to 2011 by Penguin random House and a great favourite, you can tell Jacques born in 1939 is a child of WWII rationing with all the wonderful descriptions of food in the books.

Series provide a sense of continuity and allow for deeper character development and more complex plots. Whether it’s a fantasy saga, a mystery series, or a set of humorous escapades, children love the anticipation of waiting for the next instalment. It’s a clever way to keep young readers engaged and excited about reading.

Book series also often create a loyal fanbase. Think about the success of Harry Potter or Percy Jackson's books becoming cultural phenomena with film spin offs, encouraging a whole generation of kids to fall in love with the films and hopefully the reading.

I tended to think in series ideas when creating and designing a project as once one volume was planned it was easy to go on and create further volumes as everyone could see what was being done.

You Wouldn't Want to Be ...series created and designed by David Salariya in 1999
You Wouldn't Want To Be ...series created and designed by David Salariya in 1999

Graphic novels are attractive to younger readers

Comics are published every week - Graphic Novels are something different - with stunning artwork and brief text - almost cinematic in approach - Graphic Novels are the ideal format to work in many different genres and for many different age groups.

Visual Appeal: The combination of illustrations and speech bubbles makes stories engaging and accessible, capturing the attention of young readers who might find traditional text-heavy books less appealing.

Relatable Content: Graphic novels often tackle contemporary issues and themes relevant to young readers, making the stories more relatable.

Diverse Genres: From superheroes to historical fiction, fantasy to memoirs and classic retellings, graphic novels cover a wide range of genres, catering to various interests and tastes.

Enhanced Comprehension: The visual elements help in understanding complex narratives and emotions, making it easier for readers, especially those who struggle with text-only formats, to follow the story.

Fostering Imagination: The combination of artwork and storytelling sparks creativity and imagination, encouraging readers to visualise and engage deeply with the content.

Cultural Integration: In a digital age where visual media dominates, graphic novels align well with the visual learning preferences of early readers today, bridging the gap between traditional reading and modern multimedia consumption.

For reluctant readers or those with learning difficulties, graphic novels provide an inviting entry point into the world of reading, often leading to a greater interest in literature overall.
Covers for Graffex Classic stories illustrated in a Graphic Novel Format The Classic Comics series is the authoritative graphic guide to the greatest masterpieces in literary history.
Graffex series cover designs by David Salariya from 2007 for Classic Retellings in a Graphic Novel format, Illustrations by Penko Gelev

Focus on S.T.E.A.M.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) are central themes in children's information and activity books.

With the world increasingly leaning towards tech and innovation, it’s no surprise that books reflecting these fields are gaining popularity in 2024!

STEAM books for kids are no longer dry or overly technical. They’re filled with engaging stories, fun experiments, and exciting adventures that make learning about these subjects a joy. Maybe a mystery novel where the protagonist uses their coding skills to solve a crime or a story about a group of friends building their robots.

These books aim to inspire curiosity and a love for discovery, showing children that science art and technology are not just subjects in school, but gateways to exciting worlds and careers.

S0 - What Are the Trends in Children's Book Publishing for 2024 - 2025? -

The landscape of children’s book publishing in 2024 -2025 is looking as vibrant and diverse as the stories themselves. From celebrating diversity and environmental stewardship to embracing new technologies and mental health awareness, the books reflect the evolving world we live in.

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or just a book lover, these trends offer a wealth of exciting new reads to explore with the young ones in your life. So, here’s to a year filled with magical stories, meaningful lessons, and the joy of discovering new adventures on every page!

Children are and will continue to be influenced by images in books because they live in a visual culture where images are key to their experiences and understanding. Books with strong visuals resonate deeply with children, as images are central to how they perceive and interact with the the more highly-illustrated books the better.

Why not encourage children to write their own books?

Success and enjoyment in writing are essential for budding authors. Using computers or tablets can inspire children to write. Here are some websites where children can create digital books. Always supervise children's internet use to ensure safety, but these activities offer great learning opportunities!

  1. Storyjumper: Kids can read stories by others and create and publish their own books.

  2. Little Bird Tales: Encourages kids to create stories and artwork. Upload existing drawings or use the art pad to create new ones. It's free to try with affordable premium options.

  3. Storybird: Features stunning artwork from adult illustrators that kids can use to illustrate their own stories.

  4. ToonDoo: Allows children to create cartoons and comics with a book-making feature.

By combining sales data analysis, industry reports, event insights, social media monitoring, and thematic analysis, you can work out a comprehensive view of current and future trends in children's books. Predicting trends involves not just looking at what’s currently popular but also understanding the cultural and societal shifts that will influence future interests.

Beyond Children's publishing and into an Older Market - Audiobook Sales Have Reached Impressive New Heights

In 2024, audiobook sales have reached impressive new heights. In the United States, the audiobook market hit $2 billion, reflecting a growing trend in the consumption of this format. A recent survey by Edison Research found that 52% of U.S. adults, approximately 149 million people, have listened to an audiobook, with 38% having done so in the past year. This marks a noticeable increase from previous years​ (​.

In the UK, the audiobook market has also seen substantial growth. Sales in the first half of the year showed significant increases, surpassing other digital formats like ebooks. The UK Publishers Association reported a steep rise in audiobook sales, with new demographics, particularly younger listeners, embracing this format more than ever before​ (Publishing Perspectives)​.

These trends indicate that audiobooks are not only maintaining their popularity but are also expanding their reach among various age groups and new audiences.

The top audiobook genres in recent years have shown a mix of consistent favourites and rising stars. According to various sources, the following genres are particularly popular:

  1. Fiction: This remains the most popular genre for audiobooks. Within fiction, mystery/thrillers, fantasy, and science fiction are especially favored. The immersive nature of these stories works well in audio format, keeping listeners engaged for hours (​​ (Publishing Perspectives).

  2. Non-Fiction: This genre also performs strongly, with significant interest in biographies, memoirs, and self-help books. Non-fiction audiobooks offer a convenient way for listeners to consume educational and motivational content on the go.

  3. History/Biography/Memoir: This category has seen a significant increase, with a reported 22% growth. reports that people enjoy hearing personal stories and historical accounts, often narrated by the authors themselves or by skilled voice actors.

  4. Health and Fitness: This genre grew by 20%, reflecting a rising interest in wellness and self-improvement topics. Audiobooks in this category often provide practical advice and tips that listeners can easily absorb during their daily routines (

  5. Religious/Fith-Based Titles: These audiobooks have also seen significant growth, with a 17% increase. They cater to listeners seeking spiritual guidance and inspiration (

  6. Romance: With a 14% growth, romance audiobooks continue to captivate listeners with their emotionally engaging narratives, often including dramatic and passionate storytelling styles that are well-suited for audio (

Here are some notable book fairs and literary events scheduled for 2025:

Dates can change so it would be wise to double check dates before booking flights.


The Library Learning Experience, Baltimore, USA: January 24-27

JAX Urban Book Festival, Jacksonville, USA: January 25

Angoulême International Comics Festival, France: January 30 - February 2

Jaipur Literature Festival, India: January 30 - February 3

Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, UAE: January 31 - February 6


New Delhi World Book Fair, India: February 1-


London Book Fair, UK: March 11-13

Tucson Festival of Books, USA: March 15-19

AWP Conference & Book Fair, USA: March 26-29

Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival, USA: March 26-30

Leipzig Book Fair, Germany: March 27-30

New Orleans Book Festival, USA: March 27-29

Bologna Children's Book Fair, Italy: March 31 - April 3


New York Antiquarian Book Fair, USA: April 3-6

Quebec International Book Fair, Canada: April 9-13


Santa Fe International Literary Festival, USA: May 17-19


Beijing International Book Fair, China: June 19-23

ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition, San Diego, USA: June 27 - July 2


Library of Congress National Book Festival, Washington, DC, USA: July 24


National Book Club Conference, Atlanta, USA: August 2-4

Black Authors Festival, New York, USA: August 3

Rocky Mountain Book and Paper Fair, USA: August 17-18


South Dakota Festival of Books, USA: September 20-22

Jersey Festival of Words, Channel Islands: September 20-29


Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany: October 16-20

National Black Book Festival, Houston, USA: October 17-19

Morristown Festival of Books, USA: October 18-19

Des Moines Book Festival, USA: October 19

These events are key opportunities for networking, discovering new trends, and promoting books. For the most up-to-date information and additional details on other fairs, you can check comprehensive listings on resources like AALBC and the official websites of the respective book fairs​ (AALBC)​​ (AALBC)​​ (London Book Fair)​​ (AALBC)​.

In the meantime head over to my other useful guides for more reading.

What Software Can I Use to Design A Children’s Book?

How Can I Use Social Media to Build a Fanbase for My Children's Books?

How Long Should A Children’s Book Manuscript Be?


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